Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Uang & Pulsa Gratis

Dapatkan RAHASIA income 5 juta/hari & Pulsa melimpah GRATIS dengan hanya 2 langkah mudah,...TERBUKTI
Silahkan Kunjungi untuk info lebih lanjut
READ MORE - Uang & Pulsa Gratis

Computer and Internet Tips

Computer and Internet Tips is a Blog Information for computer, laptop, internet, tips and tricks, free software, free download, and open source.

- Tips windows
- Troubleshooting Computer
- Windows Vista Theme
- etc.
READ MORE - Computer and Internet Tips

Blog Bisnis dan Edukasi

Personal blog bisnis dan edukasi, selalu memberikan informasi peluang bisnis online, baik gratis maupun berbayar. dan juga menginformasikan tentang pendidikan hanya di
READ MORE - Blog Bisnis dan Edukasi

Cafe Informations

Dapatkan semua Informasi yang anda butuhkan disini, artikel dikemas dalam bahasa inggris, anda hanya perlu menterjemahkan dengan google translate saja jika ingin dalam bahasa lain. di
READ MORE - Cafe Informations

Blog Education and Business, alkandisi's blog

alkandisi's blog is blog for education and business, get information to your business here.

Semuanya ada disini di
READ MORE - Blog Education and Business, alkandisi's blog

Free Blogger Templates and Wordpress Theme Collection

free Blogger Templates and Wordpress Theme Collection, Elegant, Cool, SEO Friendly.
Blogspot Layout, Free Download.
adalah blog kumpulan free blogger templates dan Wordpress Theme yang elegan, keren, serta SEO Friendly. Download semuanya di
READ MORE - Free Blogger Templates and Wordpress Theme Collection

Free Ads, Iklan Baris Gratis, Mudah

FreeAdsKING, Situs Iklanbaris Gratis, Tanpa daftar, Hanya mengisi 4 Form saja, tanpa memerlukan alamat email anda, Iklan akan terpasang selamanya.

Iklankan bisnis anda hanya di FreeAdsKING
READ MORE - Free Ads, Iklan Baris Gratis, Mudah

Iklan Baris Gratis, Tanpa Daftar, Permanen Selamanya

Untuk Anda yang ingin memasang Iklan BAris Gratis, Tanpa Daftar, Terpasang Selamanya, Di Sini Tempatnya...
Iklan anda akan terpasang Permanen.
- Iklan Bisnis
- Iklan Property
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- Iklan apa saja asal bukan berbau pornografi dan SARA,

Silahkan Posting Sepuasnya, Tanpa Batas asalah Judul Iklan Berbeda,

Langsung Kunjungi
READ MORE - Iklan Baris Gratis, Tanpa Daftar, Permanen Selamanya

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Ramadhan : Bule Tanya apa pengertian puasa?

Pada malam pertama puasa ramadhan thondi gak bisa tidur semaleman :D~~~
Hmm seperti biasa kalo lagi boring time (BT) thondi buka aplikasi chatting
kesayangan thondi, apalagi kalu buka XIRC :P.
Waktu itu sekitar pukul 2.30 WIB, dan thondi menggunakan psyBNC yang dapet dari
salah satu chanel favorit thondi :P. Kebetulan pada malam itu lag banget, ya
terpakasa thondi harus jump datri telkomnet ke indolayer, eh sialnya indolayer
terjebak *.net *.split (Server memisahkan diri dari server link) akan tetapi
masih didalam chanel yang thondi pake.
Hmmm tiba-tiba hightlight thondi (warna penanda nick kita) menyala di chanel
#betawi @allnetwork, langsung thondi menuju chanel #betawi dan ternyata hanya
thondi dan satu user lainnya yang terjebak *.net *.split, user itu adalah salah
satu teman akrab thondi di IRC dan uniknya dia adalah bule RUSIA bro xiixixixixi

Berikut cuplikan LOG percakapan thondi di chanel #betawi.

*.net *.split yeah such server
* Ja_ghostu has quit (
indolayer and hub
- K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K u Q

Kemudian saya pv/pm dia (sebagian tidak thondi posting)
Puasa is hold angry and hungry
special for moeslem
n hold another that broken puasa
dont understand what puasa mean
are u know 'ibadah'
all moeslem in the world will do puasa right now
u can googling what mean the puasa
moeslem is one of religi in the world
*what the mean of puasa? :p
wait i 'll use dictionay what the mean of puasa :p
puasa is a religious service of moeslem that hold back hungry and
from dawn to sunset prayer
it is must doing of all moeslim in the world <>

Sayang sekali LOG nya tidak BERTIMER, dan sayang sekali bahasa inggris thondi
kurang begitu bagus sehingga untuk menjelaskan 'pengertian puasa' thondi butuh
bantuan kamus :D~~~~~
Akan tetapi ini merupakan salah satu dakwah islam yang tidak sengaja :P.
Artikel ini hanya sekedar sharing pengalamanm tidak ada maksud dan tujuan
selain itu. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua.

READ MORE - Ramadhan : Bule Tanya apa pengertian puasa?

How To Purchase A Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii is still relatively new on the market and a lot of gamers are hunting for any scoring information they can find. Starters will surely find Nintendo Wii quite tough. To learn how to play the games, you must have your own game console. For this, you will need all the luck you can find.

Wii is Nintendo's fifth game console. The remote, also called Wii remote, is wireless and you can use it as a pointing gadget. With the use of the remote, you can distinguish rotation and motion in 3 dimensions. If you purchase the Wii bundle, you will get a Nunchuck unit and the analog stick. The unit has an accelerometer and on the stick you can find several trigger buttons.

A lot of Nintendo fans who want to purchase the all new Wii find it hard to secure one. Most of the stores offering the Nintendo Wii are always out of stock. The stocks are depleted immediately and to help you in securing your Wii, here are some tips for you:

Try to make your order at daybreak. The game consoles are usually sold by batches starting at 8 am. If you made a pre-order, you can surely secure your Wii game console. If you make your pre-order in the afternoon, you will definitely find it hard to purchase a Wii.

Get the phone number of the stores who sell them or if you have an internet connection at home, you can visit their sites immediately. Check for the stock releases and inquire if the Nintendo Wii is available. Once a store opens their stocks, the Wii is sold out in fifteen minutes. If a store hands out vouchers before they open, take advantage of it.

You must gather all the information you need especially about the check out procedures of the store. It would be best to check different stores so that you will have more chances of securing your Nintendo Wii. This is needed especially if you're purchasing online; this way, you can avoid long procedures or giving very personal information.

There are pre-registration forms available on online stores. You must fill out these forms so that you can set up your account. This is needed when you make a Nintendo Wii purchase.

When leaving personal information online, make sure that you're using the live toolbar of Microsoft.
READ MORE - How To Purchase A Nintendo Wii

Tentang RahasiaBacklink003

RahasiaBacklink003 adalah salah satu jaringan Jasa Pemasangan Iklan dan Link Permanen , yang merupakan Pelayanan bagi anda yang menginginkan 100 Link Permanen dan Penyebaran ke lebih dari 850 Jaringan Iklan, ditambah 12 Jaringan Iklan di

Jadi, anda tidak perlu repot meminta blog/website lain untuk link exchange (bertukar link) dan Sibuk memasang Iklan ke puluhan bahkan ratusan web iklan baris.

-=( Biar kami yang mengerjakan )=-

Anda Tinggal Duduk Manis, dan menunggu hasil dari kami bekerja untuk anda.

Keterangan lengkapnya di Jasa Pemasangan Iklan dan Link Permanen.
READ MORE - Tentang RahasiaBacklink003

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